Watching cultural icons wander through onscreen environs is the ultimate in cheap (tv) thrills. Whether you call it a cameo or a lazy bid for ratings, numbers do soar when a famous face drops by. Producers are currently scrambling to secure visitation rights for upcoming seasons; word has it Gossip Girl's offering Ivanka Trump, while Glee's boasting Britney Spears.
Good guest appearances are a dying artform. It's not about plonking a celebrity somewhere on the sound stage, it's about using their presence to exhibit kick ass writing skills, or at the very least, an acute understanding of your target audience.
Before we're bombarded with new (cameo) blood, here's a dozen I-went-to-get-a-glass-of-water-and-missed-it guest gems of the past to mull over:
1. Brad Pitt, Friends.
While every Thanksgiving episode of Friends was clever, I gave thanks for the one with Brad Pitt on the guest list. He played Will, Monica's obese high school friend turned hottie who scandalously reveals the existence of the We Hate Rachel Club.
2. Aaron Sorkin, West Wing.
This was more of a walk-on cameo, which is fitting because 'walking' was the uncredited star of this show. (Fictitious WW memo: If your mouth is moving, your legs should be too). It seems appropriate show creator Aaron Sorkin's cameo was as subtle as his writing.
3. Summer Glau, The Big Bang Theory.
Watching lovable nerds attempting to pick up Terminator/Firefly hottie Summer Glau? Priceless.
Raj: It's hot in here. It must be summer.
The Big Bang Theory, Season 2, Episode 17.
4. Elton John, Will & Grace.
Jack spends the episode ranting dramatically and hysterically about the existence of the Gay Mafia, which Will scoffs at, right up until Elton's appearance as the sparkly Godfather.
5. Joe Torre, Castle.
Okay, I don't really know anything about baseball, but this cameo made the list because Detective Beckett flips out so convincingly when confronted with her icon.
6. Christiane Amanpour, Gilmore Girls.
Repeatedly referenced as Rory's icon for seven years, having Amanpour drop by for the series finale was a lovely touch.
Rory: Oh my God- that’s Christiane Amanpour!
Lorelai: That’s what I told you.
Rory: I can’t meet Christiane Amanpour in my pyjamas!
Gilmore Girls, Season 7, Episode 22.
7. The Pussycat Dolls, Las Vegas.
Great fusion of a real world pop culture phenomena and a fictional location; nothing seems more appropriate than the Dolls strutting it up at the Montecito.
8. Paris Hilton, Supernatural.
The recognisable socialist plays a wax figure of herself, possessed by a demon and beheaded during a violent meltdown (I couldn't resist).
9. Jonathan Frakes, Roswell.
Frakes, the actor who portrayed Commander Riker on Star Trek The Next Generation, is jealous of the VIP treatment Patrick Stuart (Captain Picard) and William Shatner (Captain Kirk) receive at a UFO convention.
Jonathan: Milton said that you were in charge of celebrity relations?
Max: Well, yeah. Yes, I am.
Jonathan: Then maybe you can explain to me why Shatner and Stuart got suites, and I didn't?
Max: Well, I think the Tumbleweed only has two suites.
Jonathan: So, why wouldn't I get one of them?
Roswell, Season 1, Episode 13.
10. 'N Sync, The Simpsons.
For some reason, this particular guest appearance stuck in my mind. I think it might have been the animated dance moves and pumping soundtrack every time a member of 'N Sync spoke. Too epic.
11. Joss Whedon, Veronica Mars.
What's cooler than a pop culture icon like Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, publicly declaring his love for your show? Following up said declaration with an onscreen cameo.
12. Betty White in... anything. There can never enough Betty White in this world.
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