Thursday, May 31, 2018

A dozen reasons why a Star Trek medical drama would make for great TV

Doctors are a staple of the Star Trek universe. But how great would a series focused entirely on medical characters be? Imagine the possibilities…

People love medical shows
Old school moment.
The one hour scripted medical series has produced a lot of successful television: House, Grey’s Anatomy, ER for starters, not forgetting heartwarming and humorous classics like MASH and Scrubs.

I'm also including the scientists who work as MEs and associated roles in procedurals—say, forensic anthropologist in Bones, a psychologist focusing on mental health and crime in Mind Hunter, and the forensic scientist in Body of Proof.

No one can deny medicine/medical science practitioners and researchers create entertaining television. A futuristic medical drama seems a logical next step. Why not make it part of a popular franchise?

Here are a dozen reasons Star Trek Medical would be awesome aka a solid investment for a smart network.

Star Trek can get a version of a
sonic screwdriver

Seriously, do you lot not have one of these?
Star Trek shows have always held to the idea advancements in science do not make humans Godlike. The medical science in Star Trek extrapolates from modern science, but also takes imaginative leaps. 

In medical subplots, Starfleet doctor characters have to face the truth: that healing tech is fallible, meaning people still die. Humanity’s battle against death retains tension in the Star Trek universe.

A healing tool that helps tackles medical issues in a vague way would make for a great series trademark. Dr Who has a classic fix-all tool that overcomes a lot—including plot holes. 

Would be fascinating to see what Trek comes up with.

Peak Star Trek aka addressing social issues

The issue of the wealthy receiving better medical care than the poor,
addressed in ST Voyager episode Critical Care, remains sadly relevant.
Medical storylines in Trek shows usually address blurring lines between morals, ethics, duty, and science. A medical drama in the future can visit worlds with unimaginable quandaries. Say, wealthy societies letting people die because corporate greed has out-priced medical care for the average citizen (oh, wait…).

Other possible issues to mull over are stem cell usage, biotech, plagues, vaccines, discrimination based on gene status, organ marketing, and the use of radio frequency in medicine.

Popular tropes from medical dramas set in the present day also work: misdiagnosis, medical genius with bad social skills, mentor and apprentice issues, problems with bureaucracy, discrimination based on diagnosis, experimental surgeries, human testing, reproduction, and euthanasia—for starters.

Endless VIP guest stars, including Q

The wildcard is always welcome.
Delving into the back catalogue of Trek characters... What a feast of storytelling potential. I could imagine Q offering to heal a loved one—for a price. (Moral quandaries are his forte.) Obviously the Borg, or an ex-Borg, would rock up at some point. And any captain ever is eternally welcome!

Star Trek isn’t averse to time travel, so getting characters from different timelines (or realities) is never a problem plot-wise. Older and younger versions of fan faves would be fun to see. Movie crossover characters, characters from alternate realities—so much fun to be had.

The Prime Directive as a
trope/storytelling device

Are we seriously trying to sell this Prime Directive stuff?
The good old super-flawed Prime Directive offers an array of plot opportunities. The rule is Starfleet doesn't interfere with developing cultures, but such an inactive stance isn't always an easy choice—especially for a doctor.

The pros and cons of non-interference with other civilizations lends itself to medical moral dilemmas and the problematic (from Starfleet’s perspective) Hippocratic oath. Whether a character chooses for or against, there are often unforeseen repercussions.

Don’t forget the battlefield medics

The revelation the Jem'Hadar were drug addicted soldiers
made them more than just indoctrinated killing machines.
For a peace-loving mob, the Federation spends a LOT of time at war. We’ve seen field medics and storylines related to conflict scenarios in various Star Trek TV shows. Star Fleet medics are at greater risk of kidnapping too since they’re well trained. Storylines set in adrenalized, extreme conditions, where empathy and aggression face off, make for entertaining television. 

Fixed shots were a signature element of past Trek TV dramas. And traditionally a lot of Star Trek medical scenes had a sense of distance, the treatments being tech-focused, making for family-friendly viewing.

Change these two elements, and the whole mood changes. Firstly, modernize the visual format to sharper edits and handheld shots, upping the ante of combat scenes. Secondly, introduce more archaic battlefield conditions. Seeing Starfleet medics getting their hands bloody, literally, would be shocking.

Starfleet Medical Academy

Side note: these cadets proved dodgy AF.
The cadets of Starfleet have never had a series, just guest appearances in other shows. In a TV market that likes late teen/early twenty casts, a drama set at the cadet level would be worth exploring.

Starfleet Medical has been referenced numerous times throughout Trek TV shows so the place isn’t unknown to fans of ST. Think a fusion of a high school/college series, and a medical drama.

Alternately, interns could showcase different places a Starfleet doctor might be posted. Or scatter a graduating class across the galaxy, some even ending up on the opposite side of a war to the Federation, as medical defectors. The sky is the limit (or not).

Costume me up, Scottie

Casual Friday.
Oh, the outfits. Utilitarian has never been so snazzy. Seeing the interpretations of Star Fleet uniforms is always fun. New doctor and nurse uniforms might be interesting.

Not gonna lie though, the aliens bring the freshest styles. Headpieces get a lot of action, as do floaty fabrics. Stepping it up, at this point I’m ready for threads that breathe, read body data, and might be symbiotic organisms.

The politics and intrigue of the Federation

I spy... Section 31!
My favorite parts of the Star Trek reality? Later shows when the gray shades of espionage came into play, peeling glossy surface layers from the utopian tendencies of earlier outings.

Corruption in Starfleet has always produced interesting episodes. On the medical front maybe a black market for drugs, social media and psychological manipulation, conspiracies relating to availability of treatments, poaching medical discoveries from other planets, doctors with political agendas/affiliations, discrimination against clones and other races, religious beliefs that conflict with medical protocols, treatment of prisoners of war for political gain… Lots to explore.

Give us some doc love to ship

Romance in medical dramas is part of the genre sell. Maybe it’s the life and death vibe: romantic  passion balancing out the heavy psychological fare.

Star Trek shows boast interesting couples and hook-ups. I would say unexpected relationships and weird ships have long been a positive aspect of Star Trek. Not just partners from different planets, but even holographic love interests.

Of course in today’s world, television is showing more than hetero couples so there are a wider range of romantic options on the table for a new Trek.

I wanna see all the docs again

Bring back Bev!
Star Trek has had so many fantastic doctor characters, and a Star Trek medical drama means they can pop by whether as lecturers, mentors, patients—or holograms. Not just human ones but alien ones too. All members of Doctor Club are welcome!

Historically famous docs from the past are encouraged, whether via time travel, hologram or some other storytelling device. Fictional doctors are likewise welcome.

New aliens

Always fun to make (Trek) friends.
One of the best things about Star Trek: the aliens introduced to audiences along the way. And not just as cultures the characters cross paths with but as Federation members too. Each alien character is a chance to introduce a whole new ideology.

Sure, there are fans of Vulcans, Klingons, Romulans, Bajorans, Cardassians, Batazoids, and many other established ST races out there who would be happy to see them again. But meeting new races is part of the thrill of a fresh ST series.

Final note: This idea originally came from my director friend Rob, whose suggestion I pitch a medical Star Trek drama kick started this blog post.