Monday, October 11, 2010

The Event Noone's Watching

While droves of audiences are avoiding sci-fi mystery The Event, those tuning in are discovering an addictive, happening little serialised drama.

Personally, I think potential audiences for The Event were lost in a marketing massacre. Even the title graphic is ugly, blocky, and so basically non-descript, I originally assumed the show was a reality program.

Then I caught a clunky commercial for the premier episode. Enticing viewers with a hint of mystery is one thing; accidentally evoking complete disinterest is a different mistake entirely. Even the pre-launch cast photos on the official website were shockingly below par.

Rumour has it American network nbc was hoping to mimic the success of Heroes and Lost. Unfortunately, so far the ratings are more reminiscent of Flash Forward; as in, fodder for early cancellation. A pity, because three or four episodes in, it's clear The Event could become must-see viewing for those of us willing to commit to longterm serialisation.

There are, of course, a few flaws. The standard characters (or should I say caricatures?) bigger American networks are addicted to (FBI agent, girl next door) all make obligatory appearances. The dialogue, too, can be somewhat stilted and formulaic:

President: Their families will never know what happened here.
Blake Sterling: Mr President, with all due respect, nothing we do or don't tell them will change the fact that their loved ones are dead. Our responsibility is to protect the American public as a whole.
President: Protect them? From the truth?

The Event, Season 1, Episode 3.

On the upside, the casting is almost impeccable, the kind of ensemble talent that could turn a McDonalds commercial into Emmy material. Every face from The Event rings a few bells in the actor memory cache, evoking a sense of constant (television) deja vu. The show's actors have a sum resume spanning regular appearances in True Blood, Sex and The City, Without A Trace, Gilmore Girls, Charmed, Joan of Arcadia and E.R.

The main complaint about the program seems to be the narrative's deliberately disjointed timeline, moving between the past and the present in a slightly disorienting way. The key to enjoying The Event? Let the story flow over you. Just appreciate each piece of the elusive puzzle on presentation, and worry about unlocking it all later.

The sci-fi aspect is actually quite gripping. Doing the big 'there are aliens' reveal so early on in the piece opens up whole other avenues of speculation: What are the extra-terrestials actually up to? Why are there obvious factions among them? Can humanity trust them? Should we lower our guard??

There's also the whole goody/baddy thing. Frankly, at this point I have no idea who's trustworthy, apart from our luckless protagonist. That guy's hunting aliens? No, wait- he is an alien?? Not to mention the alive/dead/alive saga surrounding the passengers of flight 514. (Ironically, I think my heart stopped in shock the moment their hearts started beating again).

So far, The Event qualifies as one of the best of the season's newbies.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard of this show at all - yay Icelandic TV - but it looks quite interesting... Look forward to having something new to watch!

